The daily work of a Tonmeister at a research institute
Working fields of a tonmeister outside the concert hall. Insights into daily work of a tonmeister at a research institute. And a few highlights.
Most tonmeisters work in theatres, concert halls, in broadcast or other fields of the entertainment industry. There is also a less known working fields which are not so much in the spotlight. Working as a tonmeister at a research institute differs a lot from most other colleagues. Boring office work, some research and a lot of communication and education characterize the work for tonmeisters at Fraunhofer IIS. In this presentation, I will give insights into daily work and highlights.

Working fields of a tonmeister outside the concert hall. Insights into daily work of a tonmeister at a research institute. And a few highlights.
Most tonmeisters work in theatres, concert halls, in broadcast or other fields of the entertainment industry. There is also a less known working fields which are not so much in the spotlight. Working as a tonmeister at a research institute differs a lot from most other colleagues. Boring office work, some research and a lot of communication and education characterize the work for tonmeisters at Fraunhofer IIS. In this presentation, I will give insights into daily work and highlights.